Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 4. Ind. Pizzas, Mixed Veg. with Blue Cheese

The morning that I decided to make Individual Pizzas was also the morning I had the brilliant idea to blog my way through the "In the Kitchen with Rosie" cookbook.  As I was thinking about posting my experiences with the cookbook, I lay on my stomach, doing my leg lifts, laughing, thinking of how I could fall apart on Day 3 or 4, sobbing on the floor of the kitchen with an egg yolk splatted on the rug, something like Julie on Day 252 of working through the Julia Child cookbook. But it hasn't happened. I picked a very thin cookbook.  With age comes wisdom.

I loved these Mixed Vegetable with Blue Cheese Pizzas.  We invited Glenn and Melinda over to share a salad and these pizzas, since Melinda had been Piper-watching in Pocatello that day.  We all sat down at the table and took a bite of our pizzas.  Melinda, in classic Melinda style, said, "Okay, I want everyone to STOP eating right now and just notice all these flavors in these pizzas".  So we had a moment of appreciative silence to contemplate flavors, then forged on.  These pizzas are worth every bit of labor.

There are too many recipes (dough, pizza sauce, toppings) to type in, but let me give you an ingredient overview so you can ponder (in silence): sundried tomatoes, broiled eggplant and zucchini sprinkled with cayenne, roasted red and yellow bell peppers, pesto, Rosie's pizza sauce bursting with flavor, and crumbled blue cheese on top.

I will scan and email you the recipes, if you ask. 

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